Certificate to Mini Tea Factory

In order to offer financial assistance and improve the competence of the tea industry, the Tea Development & Promotion Scheme (TDPS) was launched by the Tea Board of India. Tea is one of the industries, which by an Act of Parliament comes under the control of the Union Government. The present Tea Board set up under section 4 of the Tea Act 1953 was constituted on 1st April 1954. There are 7 supporting schemes under TDPS and let’s have a look at how the assistance is provided for Plantation Development through Tea Board.

Below listed are the schemes which are covered under TDPS:
  1. Plantation Development
  2. Quality Upgradation and Product Diversification
  3. Domestic and International Market Promotion
  4. Research and Development
  5. Human Resource Development
  6. National Programme for Tea Regulation
  7. Establishment Expenses
Tea Development and Promotion Scheme

Plantation Development

The first component of the Tea development & Promotion Scheme is aimed at increasing overall tea production, boosting the productivity of tea gardens, and improving the quality of Indian tea. It covers both big growers (owning more than 10.12 hectare) and small growers (owning up to 10.12 hectare). The following are the sub-components involved are:


For both big and small growers

Replanting & Replacement planting
Rejuvenation pruning
Organic Certification (plantation)
For big growers onlyAnnual award


For small growers only

Assistance to Self Help Groups (SHG)
Assistance to Farmers’ Producers Organizations (FPO)
Annual Award Scheme for SHGs and FPOs
Setting up of new factories by FPOs
Setting up mini-factories
Traceability and publication of newsletters
Study tour
Strengthening field offices
Organic Conversion
Special Packages for North East, Idukki, Kangra and Uttaranchal

General Process of Availing Financial Assistance

  1. Application forms must be submitted to the nearest field office of Tea Board at least 30 days prior to starting field activity. Forms are available at all Tea Board offices and online at the official website http://www.teaboard.gov.in
  2. Pre-approval inspection will be carried out by the Tea Board
  3. Pre Activity Acknowledgement Receipt will be issued. Field activities can be commenced at this stage
  4. Post activity documents must be submitted to Tea Board after the work is done
  5. First inspection/post activity inspection will be carried out Tea Board
  6. Proper maintenance of areas must be intimated to Tea Board within specified time schedule by Big Growers
  7. Final inspection to be carried out by Tea Board

General Eligibility Conditions

Applicants must satisfy the following conditions that are common for all the sub-components mentioned above,

  • Big growers’ tea gardens must be registered with the Tea Board of India. Small growers (including members of SHGs and FPOs) must possess either an ID card issued by the Tea Board or a unique identification number and also present documentation supporting their ownership of land. Possession certificates from relevant land revenue department shall be accepted in absence of title deeds.
  • Applicants must be current members of TRA (for tea gardens of North India) or UPASI-TRF (for tea gardens of South India) at the time of application. Growers with holdings less than 50 Ha are exempt.
  • Full subscription fee must have been paid to the National Tea Research Foundation. Small growers, identified sick tea gardens, holdings less than 50 Ha, and gardens without tea factory are exempt.
  • During the time of application and release of subsidy, the provident fund liabilities of the garden must not be in excess of Rs.10000. In case the limit is exceeded, the application must be accompanied by a court decree or written consent from relevant PF authorities for disbursing PF dues in instalments. This condition is not mandatory for small growe
  • The applicant must not be at default in repayment of any of the Tea Board’s earlier loan schemes.
  • Abandoned tea areas shall be eligible only after the submission of a fitness certificate issued by TRA/UPASI-TRF/IHBT.
  • Applicants must comply with all relevant provisions of the Tea Act and other orders from the Tea Board. Violation will invite recovery of the subsidy granted along with 12% interest per annum.
  • Big growers must attach a Plant Protection Code (PPC) compliance certificate issued by TRA or UPASI-TRF. For small growers, the compliance certificates will be issued post pre-approval inspection by a Development Officer of the Tea Board.
  • Non-refundable application fee of Rs.5000 must be remitted electronically to the concerned bank account of the Tea Board by big grow transaction receipt must accompany the application. Small growers must pay a fee of only Rs.100.
    • Only one application per activity per applicant shall be submitted. In case of an additional application for the same activity, it will be clubbed with the first application and then considered, provided all conditions of the scheme are satisfied.
    • Quantum of Assistance for Sub-Components
    • Replanting and Replacement Planting
  • The subsidy will be 25% of the total cost and will be released in two installments. The 1st installment will cover 60% of subsidy and the 2nd installment will cover 40% of subsidy.
    • Note: Unit cost of Tamil Nadu will apply to Karnataka; Unit cost of Darjeeling will apply to Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand; Unit cost of Dooars & Terai will apply to Chhattisgarh
  • Rejuvenation Pruning and Infilling
    • The subsidy will be 30% of the total cost and will be released in two installments. The 1st installment will cover 60% of subsidy and the 2nd installment will cover 40% of subsidy.
  • Irrigation (Cost of transport not eligible)
    • The subsidy will be 25% of the total cost and will be released in two installments.
  • Mechanisation
    • Following machinery, items are eligible for 25% subsidy, subject to ceiling limits and excluding any transportation charges.


Ceiling Limit (Rs.)

Pruning machine25000
Mechanical harvester40000
Pitting augur20000
mounted power sprayer10000
soil injector6000
soil augur2000
  • Annual Award
  • For big gardens: One lakh rupees every year for every region.
  • Organic Certification
  • 50% of only certification cost, including renewals, capped at 2 lakh rupees per certificate.
  • Assistance to SHGs


Unit Cost (Rs.)

Weighing scale100% of cost subject to a ceiling limit of Rs.4000 per scale
Plastic crateCeiling limit Rs.350 per crate
Nylon bagCeiling limit Rs.75 per nylon bag
Pruning machineCeiling limit Rs.30,000 per pruning machine
Mechanical harvesterCeiling limit Rs.40,000 per harvester
Power sprayerCeiling limit Rs.10,000 per power sprayer


  • Assistance to FPOs


Unit Cost (Rs.)

Revolving CorpusRs.20,000 per Ha. Ceiling limit Rs.5,00,000 per SHG
Storage godown and officeCeiling limit Rs.1,00,000 per SHG
Leaf collection shed100% of cost subject to a ceiling limit of Rs.75,000 per shed
Weighing scale100% of cost subject to a ceiling limit of Rs.4000 per scale
Plastic crateCeiling limit Rs.350 per crate
Nylon bagCeiling limit Rs.75 per nylon bag
Pruning machineCeiling limit Rs.30,000 per pruning machine
Mechanical harvesterCeiling limit Rs.40,000 per harvester
Power sprayerCeiling limit Rs.10,000 per power sprayer
Leaf carriage vehicle – tractors/trailers50% for leaf carriage vehicle with a ceiling of Rs.7,50,000 lakhs per vehicle
Computer & PrinterCeiling limit Rs.50,000 per computer and printer
Cost towards RegistrationThe actual cost of Registration or at the rate of Rs.2,000 per member grower whichever will be lower.
  • Assistance for Big Factories by FPOs: 40% of the total cost, capped at Rs.2 crores per factory
  • Assistance for Mini Factories: 40% of the total cost, capped at Rs.33 lakhs per factory


What is the Tea Development and Promotion Scheme?

The Tea Development and Promotion Scheme is a government initiative aimed at supporting the growth and development of the tea industry in a particular region or country. It typically involves various incentives, subsidies, and support mechanisms to promote tea cultivation, improve quality, and enhance marketing efforts.

What are the objectives of the Tea Development and Promotion Scheme?

The objectives may vary depending on the specific goals of the scheme and the needs of the tea industry. However, common objectives include increasing tea production, improving the quality of tea produced, enhancing the competitiveness of tea growers in domestic and international markets, promoting sustainability practices, and providing support to small-scale tea growers.

Who administers the Tea Development and Promotion Scheme?

The scheme is usually administered by government agencies responsible for agriculture, horticulture, or tea development, depending on the organizational structure of the respective country. These agencies may work in collaboration with industry associations, research institutions, and other stakeholders.

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