Section 8 – Apprentices Act, 1961

Number of apprentices for a designated trade and optional trade

(1The Central Government shall prescribe the number of apprentices to be engaged by the employer for designated trade and optional trade.



In section 8, after the existing sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be inserted w.e.f. a date yet to be notified. – Vide Maharashtra Act No.XVII of 2018

“(1A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the establishment shall have to engage trade apprentices to the extent of minimum 2.5 per cent and maximum 25 per cent of the total strength of the employees of establishment including contractual or daily wages or whose services have been available through third party in any designated trades or optional trades for which activities are carried out in that establishment.”

(2Several employers may join together either themselves or through an agency, approved by the Apprenticeship Adviser, according to the guidelines issued from time to time by the Central Government in this behalf, for the purpose of providing apprenticeship training to the apprentices under them.]