Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana

As per the budget announcement made by the Hon’ble Chief Minister for the financial year 2022-23, milk prepared from Powder Milk is to be made available twice a week to the students of government schools, madrasas and special training centers under the Mid Day Meal Scheme. Under this scheme, powdered milk is to be purchased and supplied by / from Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited (RCDF).

The main objective of starting the Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana under the Mid Day Meal Scheme is to increase enrollment and attendance of students studying in schools, prevent drop outs, increase nutrition level and provide essential macro and micro nutrients.

Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana

Quantity of milk under the scheme

S.No.Class LevelAmount of Powdered Milk (per student)Amount of milk prepared (per student)Amount of sugar  
1Primary (Class to 5)15 grams150ml8.4 grams
2Upper Primary (Class 6 to 8)20 grams200 ml10.2 grams


Milk will be provided two days a week to students of classes 1 to 8 studying in all government primary and upper primary schools, madrasas, special training centers currently benefiting from the Mid Day Meal Scheme.

Operation of the scheme

Source of availability of milk: Under the scheme, powdered milk will be purchased from Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited (RCDF). Commissionerate, Mid Day Meal will allocate powdered milk district-wise. As per the allocation by RCDF, doorstep delivery of powdered milk will be done to the schools.

In every school milk will be provided to the students on two days as prescribed below:

  1. Tuesday In case there is a holiday in the school on the above mentioned scheduled day i.e. Friday, milk will be provided on the next academic day.

In every school milk will be made available to the students immediately after the prayer meeting.

The School Management Committee (SMC) will be responsible for providing milk to the students under the scheme.

Under the scheme, instructions have been given to paint the “nutritional menu” in every school at a prominent place in the school. Along with the place of marking the nutritional menu, the quantity of milk on the day milk is provided and the details of the stock of Powder Milk will also be mandatorily mentioned.

The payment for powdered milk received from Rajasthan State Cooperative Dairy Federation in schools will be made at the rate of Rs. 400/- per kg. In case of change in the rates of powdered milk, the redetermination will be done with the consent of the Finance Department on the recommendation of the committee constituted as follows:

  1. Additional Chief Secretary, School Education Department – ​​Chairman
  2. Commissioner, Mid Day Meal Member Secretary
  3. Additional Commissioner, Mid Day Meal Member
  4. Representative of Finance Department – ​​(Joint Secretary level) Member
  5. Administrator and Managing Director, Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited (RCDF) – Member

Responsibilities of stakeholders at various levels for “Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana

1. State level (Commissionerate, Mid Day Meal)- Commissioner, Mid Day Meal will be responsible for effective and systematic implementation of “Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana” at the state level. For implementation of the scheme from the state level, advance amount will be transferred to the districts for payment of milk, sugar, fuel and purchase of utensils on quarterly basis, just like the current nutrition program. The amount for purchase of utensils (non-recurring item) will be transferred to the districts at the beginning of the scheme.

॥ Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited ( RCDF) :

a) Powdered milk will be supplied to schools by RCDF in 1 kg packing (as per prescribed design) as per allocation.

(b) It will be ensured that powdered milk is as per FSSAI standards.

(c) The work of safely delivering the packets of powdered milk as per the allotted quantity to each school will be done by RODF.

(d) RCDF will pack the powdered milk packets in another bag or carton and supply them to the schools.

(e) While supplying the goods, they will be covered properly with water proof tarpaulin so that there is no possibility of it getting wet due to rain etc.

(f) Powdered milk will be supplied in packing. If any packet is found wet, damaged, torn or not usable for any reason, then the supply will not be taken by the head of the institution/mid day meal in-charge and other packets will be supplied in its place. In such a situation, the extra transportation cost for supply will not be paid.

(g) The packets of powdered milk being supplied must have Mfg Date and Exp. Date mentioned on them.

(h) If during delivery of powdered milk to schools by RCDF, it gets spoiled/destroyed in any way or the quantity is found to be less, then RCDF will be solely responsible for it and full supply to the concerned school will be ensured immediately.

(i) Powdered milk will be supplied to the schools on working days and the head of the institution will be informed one day in advance by the transport contractor.

(j) The authorized transport contractor of RCDF will provide the packets of powdered milk to the head of the institution/mid-day meal in-charge and obtain its receipt/challan in five copies. One copy will be provided to the school.

(k) The head of the institution/nutrition in-charge will provide a receipt to the transport contractor only after counting and matching the packets and the quantity. The name of the school with its signature, seal, name and designation and the quantity of the material received and the packet number will be clearly mentioned on the receipt.

(l) To confirm the quality of powdered milk, the powdered milk being supplied shall be analysed along with its report from a laboratory approved by National Accreditation Board for Research in Laboratory (NABL) and a copy of the report shall be submitted to the District Education Officer (Headquarters) for Elementary Education.

(m) The receipt received from RCDF schools will be submitted along with the bill to the District Education Officer, Headquarters, Primary Education. After matching the receipts by the District Education Officer, the payment will be processed.

(n) Departmental officers will have full authority to inspect powdered milk. If the samples of powdered milk are found to be of poor quality during inspection, they will be rejected and replaced by RCDF at its own cost within the stipulated period.

(o) RCDF transporters will carry electronic weighing machines with them at the time of supply of material.

p) On inspection of powdered milk by any officer of State / District / Block level, if the quality is prima facie unsatisfactory and the powdered milk is found to be less in weight, it will be replaced immediately by RODF.

।।. District Level:- “The concerned District Collector will be responsible for the effective and systematic implementation of the Chief Minister Bal Gopal Scheme at the district level. Under the Mid Day Meal Scheme, a District Level Review and Operation Committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of the District Collector at the district level. The meeting of the said committee is organized every month. This committee will also review the “Chief Minister Bal Gopal Scheme” every month. The District Education Officer, Headquarters, Elementary Education has been appointed as the Nodal Officer at the district level for the implementation and operation of the Mid Day Meal Scheme. The District Education Officer, Headquarters, Elementary Education will also be the Nodal Officer for the “Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Scheme”. The District Education Officer will transfer the amount in the recurring item to the accounts of SMC for the implementation and operation of the “Chief Minister Bal Gopal Scheme” in accordance with the Elementary Education, Nutrition Scheme and will ensure implementation as per the instructions of the scheme.

IV. Block level- The concerned Chief Block Education Officer will be responsible for the effective and systematic implementation of the “Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana”. A block level review and operational committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of the Sub-Divisional Officer of the concerned block for the mid-day meal scheme at the block level. Its meeting is held every month. The said committee will review the implementation of the “Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana” and will ensure implementation in accordance with the instructions of the scheme.

V. Gram Panchayat level:- For the effective and systematic implementation of “Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana”, the concerned Panchayat Elementary Education Officer (PEEO) will be responsible at the Gram Panchayat level.

VI. School level:- The School Management Committee will be responsible for the effective and systematic implementation of the “Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana” at the school level. The School Management Committee will ensure that milk is available to the students on the prescribed days. It will ensure proper arrangements for milk and utensils as per the enrollment of the students. The SMC will make arrangements for the distribution of milk in the schools related to the centralized kitchen and Annapurna Mahila Sahakari Samiti. The School Management Committee will maintain all the accounts (records) related to the Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana and will ensure implementation as per the instructions of the scheme.


What is the Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana?

The Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana is a government initiative aimed at providing free nutritious milk to students in government schools and madrasas across Rajasthan. The program focuses on improving the nutritional status of children and encouraging regular school attendance.

Who is eligible to benefit from the Mukhyamantri Bal Gopal Yojana?

Students enrolled in government schools and madrasas from classes 1 to 8 are eligible to receive benefits under this scheme. The program is designed to ensure that all children attending these educational institutions receive nutritious milk.