GST Number Search by PAN

GST search by PAN tool is a powerful and user-friendly feature designed to help businesses and individuals verify the GST registration details of their suppliers or customers quickly and easily.

GST Number Search by PAN 1

GSTIN is the GST identification number or GST number. A GSTIN is a 15-digit PAN-based unique identification number allotted to every registered person under GST. As a GST-registered dealer, you might want to do a GST verification before entering it into your GST Returns. 

Why is it necessary to verify the GST Number?

A GSTIN or GST number is public information. GST search by name is an important task that every business dealing with GST-registered taxpayers must carry out to ensure the authenticity of the vendor and the GSTIN or GST number being used in the invoice.

You can partly verify the GSTIN or GST number on the first look by checking if the vendor’s PAN number matches with the digits between 3 and 10 in the GSTIN.

It is also necessary to carry out a thorough check of the GSTIN authenticity to avoid generating incorrect invoices and e-invoices, to claim a genuine input tax credit, and to pass on the tax credits to rightful buyers,

Search GST Number/GSTIN by PAN (Permanent Account Number)

Goods & Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) is a state-specific unique number based on PAN. GSTIN is a 15 digits registration number consisting of state code, PAN, entity code, and the check digit.

GSTIN of a person can be identified based on PAN by following the below procedure:

Step 1– Visit the GST portal

Step 2– Click on “Search Taxpayer” tab. 

Step 3– Select “Search by PAN” option.

Step 4- To use the GST number search tool, enter the PAN number of the dealer and captcha code reflecting on the screen.

Step 5- Click on “Search”. The website will show the details of the GSTIN registration held against the PAN which has been provided. 

Step 6- Upon clicking any one of the hyperlinked GSTIN, the page redirects to ‘Search by GSTIN’ with the GSTIN auto-filled. 

Step 7- Enter the captcha code and click on the ‘Search’ button. Further details of the business registered with the specific GSTIN gets displayed. 


How to search GST Number / GSTIN by PAN of business in India?

Enter the PAN of the business, to search the GST number or GSTIN. GSTIN or GST Identification Number is allotted on the basis of PAN and State of the taxpayer. The 3rd to 12th digit of a GSTIN is the PAN of the business.

Is PAN compulsory to obtain GST Number / GSTIN in India?

Yes. PAN (Permanent Account Number) is mandatory to apply for GST Registration and get GSTIN (GST Identification Number) in India. The 3rd to 12th digit of GSTIN is the PAN of the taxpayer. However, in the case of the non-resident taxable person, PAN is not mandatory and registration can be granted on the basis of an alternate prescribed document. Therefore, you can use the PAN of the business to search GST details like GSTIN / GST Number of a business.