Section 13 – Charitable Endowments Act, 1890

Power to frame forms and make rules

[(1)] The appropriate Government may [, by notification in the Official Gazette,] make rules consistent with this Act for —

(a)  prescribing the fees to be paid to the Government in respect of any property vested under this Act in a Treasurer of Charitable Endowments;

(b)  regulating the cases and the mode in which schemes or any modification thereof are to be published before they are settled or made under section 5;

(c)  prescribing the forms in which accounts are to be kept by Treasurers of Charitable Endowments and the mode in which such accounts are to be audited; and

(d)  generally carrying into effect the purposes of this Act.

[(2) Every rule made by the State Government under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the State Legislature.

(3) Every rule made by the Central Government under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall  be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.]