All You Need to Know About Form MGT 7A

As per section 92 read with the sub-rule (1) of rule 11 of companies management and the administration rules. The objective of the aforesaid move is to reduce the compliance burden on small companies and (One Person Company) OPC and thus to correct some applied difficulties while filling the aforesaid form. Worthwhile mentioning here that the definition of a small company has been modified in the finance bill for the year 2021. So, The amended definition is as follows:

The Small Company can be defined as a company other the public company

  • Not exceed Rs 2 crores paid-up share capital or no exceed ten crore rupees as prescribed.
  • Second precondition being that the turnover of the aforesaid company as per the profit and loss account of the prior fiscal year is in no case more than Rs 20 crore or such higher amount as might be prescribed but that shall in no case be more than Rs 100 crores.
all you need to know about form mgt 7a


An Overview MGT 7, also known as the “Annual Return,” is a form prescribed by the MCA under the Companies Act, 2013. It serves as a comprehensive document that companies are required to file annually, providing vital information about their activities, financials, and governance practices. MGT 7 acts as a mirror reflecting the company’s performance, enabling stakeholders to assess its compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Purpose of the MGT-7A e-Form

Annual return in form MGT-7A by Every small company and the OPC shall prepare with particulars of the financial year related wherever applicable:

  • Its principal business activities, registered office, particulars of its associate companies.
  • Its Shares, Debentures and other securities along with the shareholding pattern
  • Along with the changes, its debenture-holders, members and the promoters since the previous financial year closing.
  • Meetings of the members, the Board and its various committees in addition to details of attendance.
  • The salary of the directors
  • Punishment or Penalty in any other form that is imposed on the company or other officials along with the particulars of compounding of the offences and the appeals that have been made against such punishment or penalty
  • Those matters that are related to certifying compliances and disclosures as might be prescribed
  • The shareholding pattern of the company and such other matters as are required in the form.

Due Dates of MGT 7A Form

S.NoPurpose of the formTime LimitDue Date
1In case of OPC Company60 days Calculated due date of AGM whichever is earlier.29th November 2025

MGT 7A Form Fee

Given the relationship to an individual company and a small company, the yearly return will be signed through the company secretary which there is no organization secretary through the director of the company.

It is given that the central government might prescribe the shortened form of yearly return “One Person Company, small company and before-mentioned other class or classes of companies” as mentioned.

The yearly return is furnished through the listed company or through the company that has these paid-up capital and turnover as given will be certified through the company secretary in doing the prescribed form, declaring that the yearly return revealed the facts in a true manner and effectively and that the company has complied through all the procurement of the act.

Rule 11: Every company will furnish its yearly return in Form No.MGT-7 excluding One Person Company (OPC) and Small Company. One Person Company and Small Company will furnish the yearly return from the FY 2020-2021 onwards in Form No.MGT-7A.

Fee for MGT-7A Filing (in case of a company having a share capital)

Nominal Share CapitalFee
Less than 1,00,000Rupees 200
1,00,000 to 4,99,999Rupees 300
5,00,000 to 24,99,999Rupees 400
25,00,000 to 99,99,999Rupees 500
1,00,00,000 or moreRupees 600

Fee for filing (in case of a company having a share capital) is Rupees 200

Other Fees

Mentioned is the table of additional fees which is suitable for late filings of yearly returns or balance sheets or financial statement beneath the Companies Act 1956 or the Companies Act 2013 beyond 30th June 2018:

Sl. NoPeriod of delayAdditional fee payable (in Rs.)
01Delay beyond the period provided under Section 92(4) of the ActHundred per day
02Delay beyond period provided under Section 137(1) of the ActHundred per day

Moreover to the mentioned the following table of the extra fees will be applied for the late furnishing of the overdue yearly returns or balance sheet or the fiscal statements beneath the Companies Act 1956 or the Companies Act 2013 to 30th June 2018:

Sl. No.Period of delayAdditional fee payable (in Rs.)
1Up to 30 days2 times normal filing fees
2More than 30 days and up to 60 days4 times normal filing fees
3More than 60 days and up to 90 days6 times normal filing fees
4More than 90 days and up to 180 days10 times normal filing fees
5Beyond 180 days12 times normal filing fees


What is Form MGT-7A?

Form MGT-7A is an annual return form used by small companies and one-person companies (OPCs) to file their annual return with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) under the Companies Act, 2013. It is a simplified version of Form MGT-7 and is primarily for companies that do not have a share capital or meet the criteria for larger companies.

Who is required to file Form MGT-7A?
  • Small companies: A company that has paid-up capital of not more than ₹50 lakh and turnover not exceeding ₹2 crore.
  • One-Person Companies (OPCs): OPCs are also required to file Form MGT-7A if they meet the criteria for small companies.
  • These companies need to file Form MGT-7A for the annual return submission in compliance with the Companies Act, 2013.