Section 6 – Right To Fair Compensation And Transparency In Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation And Resettlement Act, 2013

Publication of Social Impact Assessment Study

(1) The appropriate Government shall ensure that the Social Impact Assessment study report and the Social Impact Management Plan referred to in sub-section (6) of section 4 are prepared and made available in the local language to the Panchayat, Municipality or Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, and the offices of the District Collector, the Sub-Divisional magistrate and the Tehsil, and shall be published in the affected areas, in such manner as may be prescribed, and uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government.

(2) Wherever Environment Impact Assessment is carried out, a copy of the Social Impact Assessment report shall be made available to the Impact Assessment Agency authorised by the Central Government to carry out environmental impact assessment :

Provided that, in respect of irrigation projects where the process of Environment Impact Assessment is required under the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, the provisions of this Act relating to Social Impact Assessment shall not apply.

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