

IMPS is an instant money transfer service facilitated by NPCI (National Payment Corporation of India). The full form of IMPS is Immediate Payment Service which allows people to send and receive funds from savings accounts in real-time. The service facilitates inter-bank transactions through mobile banking and internet banking. The major reason behind using IMPS is that it […]

Kolkata Property Tax

Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) has launched a new graded property tax waiver scheme, where interest dues will be waived based on the default duration. In another initiative, KMC has announced an additional one percent rebate on property tax if the dues are paid online. Continue reading to know how to pay property tax dues online

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

Like safety, maritime security is of paramount importance to the operation of a vessel. The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code came into force on July 1, 2004 and is applicable to all vessels over 500 grt operating on international trades, as well as the ports that service them. The ISPS Code is

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP)

The Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy or HELP, approved by the cabinet in March 2016 is aimed at increasing the transparency and decreasing the administrative discretion in granting hydrocarbon licenses. The license will permit contractors to explore conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources that comprise shale gas/oil, CBM, gas hydrates and tight gas under

The Significance of Shipping Bills in International Trade

In export trade, international shipping and delivery is an important step – making sure products reach the importer or end-customer without any damage is key to a successful export business. In this process, a shipping bill is an essential document issued by the Customs Service Centre. This bill allows an exporter to get customs clearance

Registration with coir board

The Coir Industry Act 1953 established the Coir Board, a statutory organization under the Government of India, to foster and grow the coir (coconut fiber) sector in India. Operating under the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, it has its headquarters in Kochi and Alappuzha. The board aims to support the coir industry, an

Canara Bank Current Account

Canara Bank is one of the leading private sector banks providing all the financial and banking services to individuals. Canara Bank current account is a type of demand deposit account, specially designed to cater to the different banking needs of the individuals. Current Account can be opened by business owners and professionals who deal with

SSMMS – Online Sand Booking in Telangana

SSMMS ID Portal: Telangana state government is actively taking initiatives for all round development of the state. Telangana is very rich in Various natural minerals such as gold, sand and other. The government is continuously providing the total management system to conduct mining of various minerals in the Telangana state. In this scenario, they Have also