Voluntary Deposits (Immunities And Exemptions) Act, 1991

Section 5 – Voluntary Deposits (Immunities And Exemptions) Act, 1991

Amendment of Act 53 of 1987 In the National Housing Bank Act. 1987 —  (a)  in section 14,—   (i)  in clause (b), after the words “scheduled banks”, the words “or to any authority established by or under any Central, State or Provincial Act and engaged in slum clearance” shall be inserted;  (ii)  after clause (h), the following clause shall be inserted, […]

Section 3 – Voluntary Deposits (Immunities And Exemptions) Act, 1991

Immunities (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force,—  (a)  no person, who has made a deposit with the National Housing Bank in accordance with the scheme, shall be required to disclose, for any purpose whatsoever, the nature and source of the deposit;  (b)  no inquiry or investigation shall be commenced

Section 2 – Voluntary Deposits (Immunities And Exemptions) Act, 1991

Definitions In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—  (a)  “deposit” means a voluntary deposit made by any person with the National Housing Bank in accordance with the scheme on or after the commencement of this Act but before the specified date.         Explanation.—For the purposes of this clause, “specified date” means the 1st day of December,