Conversion of Partnership to Private Limited Company

Businesses often evolve and grow over time, and with growth comes the need for a more structured and organized legal entity. Many partnership firms eventually contemplate converting into a private limited company due to the advantages it offers in terms of limited liability, easier access to capital, and increased credibility.

Conversion of Partnership to Private Limited Company

Overview of Conversion of Partnership Firm into a Private Limited Company

Conversion of a partnership firm into a private limited company is always very advantageous. The company members enjoy benefits like perpetual succession and limited liability. Section 366 of the Companies Act 2013 provides for the entities eligible to be registered under this Act. As per this section, the conversion of a partnership firm into a limited company is possible. The section also states that you can convert any cooperative society, LLP or any other type of business into a private limited company.

Benefits of Conversion of Partnership firm into a private limited company

  • With the conversion of a partnership firm into LLP income tax, the shareholders are liable only to a considerable extent.
  • Private limited company registration makes it easier for the companies to raise funds as there are no limitations on the number of stockholders.
  • Make management and shareholding changes and revisions easily without disturbing the company policies.
  • A private limited company has a distinct legal entity.
  • The outsiders can never take control of a private limited company.
  • Obligations and assets are transferred.
  • No capital gain taxes are levied on property transfer from one company to the other.
  • Constant succession is also enjoyed with a private limited company.

Need of Converting a Partnership Firm into a Private Limited Company

Limited Liability: 

One of the primary advantages of a private limited company is that its members’ liability is limited to the extent of their shareholdings. In a partnership firm, partners are personally liable for the firm’s debts, while in a private limited company, personal assets remain protected.

Easier Capital Raising

Private limited companies have an advantage when it comes to raising capital. They can issue shares to raise funds from investors, which isn’t possible in a partnership firm.

Perpetual Existence: 

A private limited company enjoys perpetual existence. It continues to exist even if the members or directors change. Partnerships typically dissolve or require formal reconstitution when a partner exits.

Improved Credibility: 

Private limited companies often have a higher level of credibility in the business world. They are seen as more stable and trustworthy, which can help attract clients and investors.

Tax Benefits: 

Private limited companies might offer tax advantages, depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the business.

Transfer of Ownership: 

In a private limited company, the transfer of ownership is relatively easy, as it involves the transfer of shares. Partnerships typically require more complex procedures.

Essentials for Converting the Partnership firm into a Private Limited Company

Section 366 of the Companies Act 2013 puts down the essentials for the conversion of a partnership firm into a private limited company stamp. These include:

  • The partnership deed needs to be registered with the Registrar of companies.
  • There should be at least two shareholders or directors to convert a partnership firm into a private limited company.
  • Secured creditors of a partnership firm must obtain the No Objection Certificate before conversion into a private limited company.
  • The partnership firm should also get an exclusive name while ensuring that the name ends with Pvt. Ltd.
  • A contribution of minimum capital is necessary.
  • The partnership firm looking to convert into a private limited company should also have a registered office.
  • Once the conversion procedure is complete, the private limited company should form its AOA and MOA for Incorporation.

How to convert a Partnership Firm into a Private Limited Company?

  • Obtain Partners’ Consent: All the partners of the existing partnership firm need to agree to the conversion process. A resolution must be passed, showing unanimous consent to the transition.
  • Register a Private Limited Company: You need to incorporate a new private limited company with the desired name. The name should ideally reflect the business’s nature and must be unique and not in use by any other entity in your jurisdiction.
  • MOA and AOA Drafting: Draft a Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) for the new private limited company. These documents specify the company’s objectives, capital structure, and internal regulations. Legal assistance is recommended to ensure these documents adhere to the legal requirements.
  • Share Allotment: Decide on the distribution of shares among the partners. The shareholding pattern should reflect the partnership’s ownership structure.
  • Value of Assets and Liabilities: A statement of assets and liabilities of the partnership firm must be prepared, and the values transferred to the new private limited company’s books. An auditor can help in this process.
  • Obtain NOC and Approvals: Obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from all existing creditors and approval from statutory authorities if required. This ensures a smooth transition without legal complications.
  • File Conversion Documents: Prepare the necessary documentation for conversion process and submit it to the relevant regulatory authorities. In India, for example, this involves filing form URC-1 with the Registrar of Companies.
  • Paying Stamp Duty: Stamp duty might be applicable on various documents, such as the MOA, AOA, and the partnership deed. Ensure all stamp duties are paid as per the local regulations.
  • Publication of Notice: In some jurisdictions, you may be required to publish a notice about the conversion process in a local newspaper.
  • Compliance with Taxation Laws: Ensure that all tax liabilities are settled, and the necessary tax registrations and compliances are met. Seek professional advice to manage the tax aspects effectively.
  • Business Name Change: After obtaining the Certificate of Incorporation for the new private limited company, the name of the partnership firm should be updated to reflect the new entity. This includes changing the name on all legal documents and licenses.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Cost: The conversion process can be costly, involving legal fees, registration fees, and stamp duties. It’s essential to budget for these expenses.
  • Complexity: The process can be complex and time-consuming, involving legal, financial, and administrative aspects. Professional guidance is often necessary.
  • Tax Implications: The change in legal structure can have tax implications. Seek advice from a tax professional to navigate this effectively.
  • Shareholder Agreement: Clear shareholder agreements should be in place to manage the rights and obligations of shareholders effectively.


What are the advantages of converting a partnership into a private limited company?

Limited liability protections and flexible taxation for the company owners are the two greatest advantages of turning a partnership firm into a private limited company.

What happens on the conversion of a firm into a limited company?

The unabsorbed depreciation and accumulated loss of the partnership firm are deemed to be depreciation or loss of the company successor for the year the conversion comes into effect. Such losses can be carried further for eight years in the successor’s hands.

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