Green House

The Green House Scheme under the Agriculture Department of Rajasthan Provides the benefit of subsidy on greenhouses and earn more income by cultivating horticultural crops like vegetables, flowers, fruits, etc. by controlling the ago-climatic factors, temperature, humidity, and sunlight.
A greenhouse is a hut-like structure made of glass or polythene. Plants are grown inside it by controlling the environment. Where certain types of crops cannot be grown in the open due to extreme cold, these crops can be easily grown by using greenhouses. In case production of crops is not possible due to excessive heat, crops can be grown in greenhouses. In this way, it becomes easier for farmers to grow crops in any season through greenhouses. Greenhouses are mostly used for the cultivation of fruits, flowers, and vegetables. Through this, good production can be achieved especially in vegetable farming.
poly house subsidy

Other important points

  1. The construction of the greenhouse can be started only after the administrative approval/work order is issued by the Horticulture Department.
  2. After construction, verification will be done by the committee formed.
  3. Payment of grant amount directly into the bank account of the farmer or to the producer firm based on written consent of the farmer.


  • The applicant must be a native of Rajasthan.
  • The applicant should be a Farmer.
  • The applicant must have agricultural land ownership and irrigation sources.


  • For areas up to a maximum of 4,000 square meters, farmers will receive subsidies grant based on approved rates or department-specified unit costs, whichever is lower.
    1. General-category farmers : 50% grant.
    2. Small, marginal, scheduled caste, and scheduled tribe farmers : 70% grant.
    3. The farmers of Scheduled Tribe areas and all the state’s small and marginal category farmers : 25% additional grant.

Documents Required

  • Jamabandi copy (not older than 6 months)
  • Aadhaar card / Janadhar card.
  • Soil and water test report.
  • Quotation from the approved firm.
  • Proof of irrigation source grants to small, marginal.
  • Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe farmers’ certificates.

Application Process

Step-1: Applicant have to visit the official portal.
Step-2: After login, dashboard will open.
Step-3: Click on “ RAJ-KISAN ” option.
Step-4: In “Farmer”, click on “Application Entry Request”.
Step-5: Enter the “Bhamashah ID” or “Janaadhaar ID” and search.
Step-6: Select the person name and scheme name.
Step-7: Complete the Aadhaar Authentication and click on Get details.
Step-8: Provide the required details.
– Pensioner Details.
– Bank Details.
– Disability Details.
– Verification Details.
– Upload Documents.
Step-9: Submit.


What is the Greenhouse Subsidy Scheme in Rajasthan?

The Greenhouse Subsidy Scheme in Rajasthan is an initiative by the State Government of Rajasthan to promote protected farming practices. The scheme provides financial assistance (subsidy) to farmers for setting up greenhouses, polyhouses, and net houses to enhance crop production, protect crops from extreme weather, and improve the quality of produce.

What is a Greenhouse or Polyhouse?

A greenhouse or polyhouse is a protected structure covered with transparent material like polyethylene sheets that helps create a controlled environment for crop cultivation. It protects plants from adverse weather conditions like excessive heat, cold, and rain, ensuring higher yields and better-quality produce.

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