LLP Name Reservation : Learn how to reserve a LLP Name

Reserving a name for your Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a crucial step when starting a business. This process ensures that your chosen name is unique and complies with legal requirements. It also prevents other businesses from using the same name, giving your LLP a distinct identity in the marketplace.

What is an LLP?

A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a type of business structure that combines the benefits of both partnerships and corporations. It offers limited liability to its partners, meaning they are not personally liable for the business’s debts. Additionally, LLPs provide flexibility in management and are often easier to set up and run compared to other business forms.

Importance of Name Reservation for LLPs

Reserving a name for your LLP Registration is essential for several reasons:

  1. Unique Identity: Ensures your business name is unique and not used by others.
  2. Legal Compliance: Meets the regulatory requirements set by the authorities.
  3. Brand Recognition: Helps in building a brand identity from the outset.
  4. Avoids Confusion: Prevents legal issues and confusion with other businesses.

Steps to Reserve a Name for an LLP

  • Check Availability: Use the online portal provided by the regulatory body to check if your desired name is available.
  • Comply with Guidelines: Ensure the name meets the naming guidelines, such as avoiding prohibited words or names that are too similar to existing ones.
  • Application Submission: Submit the name reservation application online, along with the required fee.
  • Approval: Wait for the approval, which usually takes a few days. If the name is approved, it will be reserved for a specific period.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not Checking Availability: Failing to check if the name is already in use.
  • Ignoring Guidelines: Overlooking the naming guidelines as given under section 15 of LLP Act can lead to rejection.
  • Incomplete Application: Submitting an incomplete application can delay the process.
  • Late Submission: Delaying the submission can result in the name being taken by someone else.

Points and Stats to Make It Unique

  • According to recent data, over 90% of LLP name reservation applications are approved within three days.
  • Nearly 30% of name reservation applications are initially rejected due to non-compliance with guidelines.
  • A unique and memorable business name can increase brand recognition by up to 50%.


Reserving a name for your LLP is a critical step in establishing your business. By following the correct procedures and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure a smooth and successful name reservation process. A unique and legally compliant name will not only help in brand building but also protect your business identity.


How long is the llp reserved name valid?

The reserved name is typically valid for 60 days, during which you need to complete the LLP registration process.

Can I change the llp reserved name later?

Yes, but you will need to go through the name reservation process again and pay the associated fees.

What happens if my name reservation application is rejected?

You can reapply with a different name or correct the issues highlighted in the rejection notice and resubmit.

Is there a limit to the number of names I can reserve?

Generally, you can reserve one name at a time per application. Some jurisdictions may allow multiple applications with different names.

How much does it cost to reserve an LLP name?

The cost varies by jurisdiction but is usually a nominal fee of approx Rs 1000 that needs to be paid at the time of application submission.