NABH Accreditation for Hospitals

NABH stands for the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers. It is an autonomous body established in India to set and maintain standards for the quality and accreditation of healthcare facilities.

NABH accreditation is a recognition given to healthcare organizations that meet certain predetermined standards and criteria for patient care, management, and overall service quality. The accreditation process involves a thorough evaluation of various aspects of a healthcare facility, including infrastructure, patient care, safety protocols, medical records, and overall management.

nabh accreditation for hospitals

What is NABH Accreditation?

NABH accreditation is a way for hospitals in India to implement standards and procedures on par with global benchmarks. NABH is a member of the International Society for Quality In Health Care (ISQUA), an international accreditation body in the areas of healthcare. As a member of ISQUA, NABH has joined a handful of countries that match and authenticate healthcare services to global standards. Thus, a hospital having NABH Accreditation delivers services on par with global standard and serves as a boost to medical tourism in India.

Key components of NABH accreditation include:

  1. Leadership and Management: Assessing the leadership’s commitment to quality, the effectiveness of management systems, and the overall governance of the healthcare facility.

  2. Patient-Centric Approach: Ensuring that the organization is focused on patient safety, satisfaction, and provides timely and effective care.

  3. Quality of Care: Evaluating the clinical services, medical records, infection control practices, and the overall quality of healthcare delivery.

  4. Staff Competency and Training: Assessing the competence of healthcare professionals, their training, and ongoing professional development.

  5. Infrastructure and Facility Management: Examining the physical infrastructure, safety measures, and the overall management of facilities.

  6. Continuous Quality Improvement: Ensuring that the healthcare organization has mechanisms in place for continuous monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of its services.

NABH accreditation is considered a mark of excellence in healthcare services, and it instills confidence in patients, healthcare providers, and stakeholders. It is a voluntary process, but many healthcare organizations pursue accreditation as a means to demonstrate their commitment to quality and patient safety.

The accreditation process involves a comprehensive on-site assessment by qualified healthcare professionals, and organizations must comply with the set standards to achieve and maintain accreditation status. Regular audits and reviews are conducted to ensure ongoing adherence to the established standards. NABH accreditation is not only a recognition of quality but also a continuous journey towards improving healthcare standards and practices.

In addition to NABH Accreditation for Hospitals, NABH also provides Accreditation for

  • Small Healthcare Organizations
    • Small Healthcare Organisation is those healthcare organizations having bed strength upto 50 beds.
  • Blood Banks
  • Blood Storage Centres
  • Medical Imaging Services
  • Dental Health Care Service Providers
  • Oral Substitution Therapy Centres
  • Allopathic Clinics
  • AYUSH Hospitals
    • Accreditation Program for AYUSH (Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha and Yoga & Naturopathy) Hospitals.
  • Community Health Centres
  • Primary Health Centres
  • Wellness Centres

Benefits of NABH Accreditation

Quality Improvement- The accreditation process encourages healthcare facilities to implement and maintain high standards of patient care, leading to continuous quality improvement in services.

Patient Safety- NABH Accreditation emphasizes patient safety protocols and practices, ensuring a safe environment for patients and reducing the risk of medical errors.

Enhanced Credibility- Accreditation serves as a mark of credibility for healthcare organizations. It demonstrates a commitment to quality and patient-centric care, which can build trust among patients, their families, and the community.

International Recognition- NABH Accreditation is recognized globally, enhancing the reputation of Indian healthcare facilities on an international scale. This can be particularly important for medical tourism.

Standardized Processes-The accreditation process involves the implementation of standardized processes and protocols, leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare delivery.

Having NABH Accreditation has various benefits for the different stakeholders of a hospital. For patients, having NABH accreditation results in high-quality healthcare services delivery and patient safety. For the hospital, NABH accreditation helps the hospital demonstrate the commitment to quality healthcare thereby increasing revenue from foreign medical tourists and domestic patients, looking for quality healthcare service providers. For the medical staff, the Accreditation process serves as a way to have the continuous learning, good working environment and strong clinical processes. NABH accreditation serves to improve the overall professional development of Clinicians and Para Medical Staff.

NABH Standards for Hospitals

The NABH Standards for hospitals provide a framework for quality of care for patients and quality improvement for hospitals. The standards help to build a quality culture at all level and across all the function of the hospital. The complete NABH Standards consists of 102 standards and 636 objective elements. To obtain NABH Accreditation, a hospital must be willing and able to demonstrate that the hospital functions as per the NABH standards. The following are an outline of NABH Standards:

NABH Standards patient-centred Standards

  • Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
  • Care of Patient (COP)
  • Management of Medication (MOM)
  • Patient Right and Education (PRE)
  • Hospital Infection Control (HIC)

Organisation Centered Standards

  • Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  • Responsibility of Management (ROM)
  • Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Information Management System(IMS)

Process for NABH Accreditation

To begin the process for obtaining NABH Accreditation, the hospital management must begin by implementing the NABH standards and nominating a person to coordinate all activities related to seeking accreditation. The person-in-charge and hospital management must understand the NABH assessment procedures and ensure that the NABH standards are implemented in the organization. At least 3 months prior to submission of NABH Accreditation application, the hospital must conduct a self-assessment and ensure that it operates as per NABH standards.

If satisfied with the self-assessment, the hospital can make an application to NABH for Accreditation along with the necessary documents and fees. NABH will then conduct a pre-assessment and point out corrections and check the preparedness of the hospital for final assessment. Once the necessary corrective actions are taken, a final assessment will be conducted by NABH by way of a comprehensive review of hospital functions and services. Based on the review and assessment report of the final assessment team from NABH, a NABH Accreditation Committee will award NABH Accreditation. The validity period for accreditation is 3 years subject to terms and conditions.


What is NABH Accreditation?

NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers) is a constituent board of the Quality Council of India. It provides accreditation to hospitals and healthcare providers based on established standards for healthcare quality and patient safety.

Why is NABH Accreditation important for hospitals?

NABH Accreditation signifies that a hospital meets high standards of quality and safety. It enhances patient trust, improves clinical outcomes, and can lead to better operational efficiency. Additionally, it is often a requirement for empanelment with insurance companies and for participating in certain government healthcare schemes.

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