Old Age Samman Allowance Scheme

The scheme “Old Age Samman Allowance” is a social security scheme implemented by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of Haryana. The scheme provides a pension of ₹3,000/- per month to senior citizens (60 years or above) who are unable to sustain themselves with their own resources. The scheme targets the needy and poorer sections of society, such as agricultural labourers, rural artisans, SCs/BCs, and small/marginal farmers. The scheme is implemented through the Zila Parishads. The pension is disbursed through the Panchayati Raj Institutions.

Old Age Samman Allowance Scheme


Pension of ₹3,000/- per month.

Documents Required

Age Proof (any one of the following)

  • Birth Certificate (issued by Municipal Committee/Corporation/Government Hospital).
  • School Certificate (5th class, 8th class, or 10th class).
  • Voter Card (issued by Election Department, Haryana).
  • Name of the applicant in the voter’s list showing a photograph (issued by the Election Department, Haryana).
NOTE: If none of the above documents are available, the applicant must visit the District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) office and write a letter requesting a medical examination. The DSWO will refer the applicant for a medical examination by a team of two doctors at the district’s civil hospital to assess the applicant’s age (issued by the medical team).
Residential Proof (any one of the following self-attested documents, issued prior to 15 years)
  • Ration Card (issued by Food & Supplies Department, Haryana).
  • Voter Card (issued by Election Department, Haryana).
  • Name of the applicant in the voter’s list showing a photograph (issued by the Election Department, Haryana).
  • If none of the above documents are available, the applicant must provide a self-declaration document along with any other documentary proof, which will be verified by the District Social Welfare Officer.

Other Documents

  • Aadhaar Card (optional).
  • Saving Bank account details of the applicant with a photocopy of the passbook.
  • Family ID of the applicant.


  • The applicant should be 60 years or above in age.
  • The applicant should be domiciled in and a resident of Haryana.
  • The income of the applicant, from all sources, including that of their spouse, should not exceed ₹3,00,000/- per annum.

Application Process

Step 1: Visit the official website of the “Antyodaya SARAL” Portal.
Step 2: In the “SIGN IN HERE” section, click “New user? Register here”.
Step 3: The registration form will open in a new window of the browser. Fill in all the mandatory fields of the form. Create a strong password. The password should be at least ‘9’ characters with at least one special character(!@#$%^&*), one numeric, one small case and one upper case letter (i.e. ADmin@357). Fill in the captcha code and click “Submit”.
Step 4: An OTP will be sent to the email ID and the Mobile Number provided in the registration form. The OTP received will be for single use only and will be valid for 15 minutes from the time of request. The verification link received over email will be valid for 48 hours from the time of request. On successfully validating the Email ID and Mobile Number via OTP, the following message will be displayed to the user: “You have successfully registered on https://saralharyana.gov.in/. Please login to the application using your email ID and password”.
Step 5: Visit the official website of the “Antyodaya SARAL” Portal. In the “SIGN IN HERE” section, log in using your Login ID and Password.
Step 6: On the next screen, in the left pane, click on ‘Apply for Service’, then click “View All Available Services”.
Step 7: You will be shown a list of schemes/services. Click on the scheme you intend to apply for. You will be taken to its online application form.
Step 8: In the application form, fill in all the mandatory details, click on ‘Self-Declaration’. Enter the verification code/Captcha and click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 9: Preview all the filled details and click on ‘Attach Annexure’. Upload all the mandatory documents and click on ‘Save Annexure’.
Step 10: After verifying all the details, click on the ‘Submit’ button. Take a printout of the generated ‘Acknowledgement Receipt’ for future reference.


How can one check the status of their application?

To check the status, click on the link https://pension.socialjusticehry.gov.in/Ben_Inf and enter the beneficiary ID and security code. On the new page, provide the requisite details and click on the “View Beneficiary List” option. The beneficiary name, ID, Aadhaar number, and pension amount will be displayed.

How much allowance is provided under this scheme?

The allowance provided under this scheme is ₹3,000/- per month.