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Prerna Marketing Scheme

The National Trust has been implementing various schemes for the development and welfare of Persons with Disability (PwD). Prerna, launched by this organization, is a marketing scheme that assists PwDs to sell their products and services. In this article, let us take a brief look at the scheme.

Prerna Marketing Scheme


The scheme creates viable and widespread channels for sale of products and services that are produced by PwDs who are covered under the National Trust Act. Prerna marketing scheme provides funds to participate in events like exhibitions, melas, fairs etc. and grants incentives to the Registered Organization (RO) depending on the sales turnover of the products that are made by PwDs.

Support for Participation in Events

The National Trust provides funds to RO to participate in national, regional, state and district level events such as melas, fairs, exhibitions, etc. to sell their products and services. At least 51% of employees from these work centres have to be PwDs with disabilities that have to be covered under the National Trust Act. RO has to submit a proposal for every event that needs to participate in any of the events. This scheme does not include any permanent stalls that are allocated to the National Trust. The National Trust also funds up to INR 10,000 in a year if the organization prepares and distributes brochures in any event.

Incentives for Sales Turnover

The National Trust provides an incentive to RO against the sale of products and services that are prepared by PwDs on an annual basis after it is verified by the District Magistrate (DM) or District Collector (DC) or Local Level Committee (LLC) or Social Welfare officer. RO has to distribute a major part of the incentive to the PwDs or utilize it for the enhancement of PwD.

Funding Pattern

There are two categories whereby the National Trust provides funding to the RO for Prerna scheme. They are

  • Support for participation in events
  • Incentives for Sales Turnover

Support for Participation in Events

  • This is a one-time payment that is provided to ROs to take part in national, regional, state and district level events.
  • The payment is provided based on the level of the event in which RO participates.
  • The National Trust sponsors up to a maximum of four events in a year for each RO of any category.
  • The funds under the scheme are provided only for the exhibition and do not cover other expenses like travelling, setting up etc.
  • If the RO is allowed a free stall by any National, State, District, Central or any other Government Department, Ministry or Organization, the funds provided would be reduced by 25%.
  • The scheme does not include any permanent stall that is allocated to the National Trust.

Incentives for Sales Turnover

A one-time incentive would be provided towards the end of the year, against the sale turnover of the products and services that are offered by the PwDs. Sales turnover of products and services is applicable for work centres where at least a minimum of 51% of employees are PwDs with National Trust disabilities. Incentives can be claimed only on products and services of work centres that are managed by the RO or work centre that are run by any other RO of the National Trust.


If an RO designs and prints a new brochure, it can claim for the expenses, on the condition that

  • In the brochure, the RO has to mention special credits to the National Trust for the brochure and other supports that are provided.
  • Reimbursement would be provided only if the brochure has been designed and printed in the current Financial Year.
  • Brochure expenses will be refunded if RO has participated in at least one event that is sponsored by the National Trust in that particular financial year.
  • The amount has to be reimbursed only once in any financial year. RO can submit the request for reimbursement anytime within the financial year or two months from the end of the respective year.

Eligibility Criteria

There are certain eligibility standards that have to be met by both work centres and RO to avail the benefits of the scheme.

Work Centres

  • Products and services of work centres where at least 51% of the employees are PwDs.
  • PwDs employed in the work centre has to be above 14 years.
  • Work centres have to be run by RO of the National Trust.

Registered Organization

  • The applicant has to be registered with the National Trust.
  • RO has to have a minimum of two years of experience with the PwD and one year experience in any one of the four disabilities as per the National Trust Act.
  • RO must not be blacklisted by the National Trust of any other Government Organization on the date of submission of the scheme enrolment form.
  • RO must be registered under the PwD Act on the date of submission of the scheme enrolment form.

Documents Required

These are the required documents that have to be possessed by an RO to enrol for this scheme.

  • Valid registration certificate as per the National Trust Act
  • Declaration by the RO detailing the work
  • Declaration by the RO
  • Registration proof/certificate

Enrolment Process

Step 1: The RO has to login to the National Trust website.

Step 2: The RO has to submit an online application form with the application fee of Rs. 1000.

Step 3: The Prerna application form has to be filled online, and the required documents have to the scanned and uploaded.

Step 4: The application has to be submitted in the National Trust Portal.

Step 5: After submitting the form, a hardcopy of the application form and the supporting documents have to be sent to the National Trust.

Step 6: Once the application form is received by the National Trust, the documents would be verified. If there is any information/document missing or wrongly submitted, the RO has to resubmit it within 15 days.

Step 7: The final decision on the application/proposal would be taken into consideration after completing all the required formalities and processes. Communication to RO by the National Trust would be done within 30 days from the point of receipt. Point of receipt is the date and time of submission of the online form along with all the required documents.

Step 8: Once completing the enrolment, the scheme ID card is created for the RO, and the same is communicated to the RO.

Step 9: A starter kit/Prerna handbook mentioning the details of the scheme would be given to the RO by the National Trust.

Documents Required

These documents have to be submitted/uploaded by RO for enrolment purpose.

  • All documents that are mentioned in the eligibility criteria.
  • Declaration by RO regarding
    • The current set of activities that are undertaken in the RO
    • Details of work centres and products that are manufactured
    • History of participation in events like fairs, melas, exhibitions etc. and other marketing activities that are related to the National Trust disabilities for the last three years.
    • Scheme declaration/ undertaking of acceptance of terms and conditions.

Validity of Scheme Enrolment

Scheme enrolment is applicable only for that particular financial year. Once the current financial year is completed, the RO has to enrol to avail its benefits.

Escalation Matrix

If the mentioned time limit is exceeded by the National Trust, then RO can escalate it to the CEO. If the issue is not solved within a reasonable time by the CEO, the RO can further take it to the Chairperson of the Board of National Trust.

Grievance Redressal

If the RO faces any issues regarding the scheme, it can either register the issue in the Grievance redressal system in their official website or contact the concerned official or the CEO of the National Trust.

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