Section 45 – Right To Fair Compensation And Transparency In Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation And Resettlement Act, 2013

Rehabilitation and resettlement committee at project level

(1) Where land proposed to be acquired is equal to or more than one hundred acres, the appropriate Government shall constitute a Committee under the chairmanship of the Collector to be called the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Committee, to monitor and review the progress of implementation of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement scheme and to carry out post-implementation social audits in consultation with the Gram Sabha in rural areas and municipality in urban areas.

(2) The Rehabilitation and Resettlement Committee shall include, apart from officers of the appropriate Government, the following members, namely:—

(a) a representative of women residing in the affected area;
(b) a representative each of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes residing in the affected area;
(c) a representative of a voluntary organisation working in the area;
(d) a representative of a nationalised bank;
(e) the Land Acquisition Officer of the project;
(f) the Chairpersons of the panchayats or municipalities located in the affected area or their nominees;
(g) the Chairperson of the District Planning Committee or his nominee;
(h) the Member of Parliament and Member of the Legislative Assembly of the concerned area or their nominees;
(i) a representative of the Requiring Body; and
(j) Administrator for Rehabilitation and Resettlement as the Member-Convenor.

(3) The procedure regulating the discharge of the process given in this section and other matters connected thereto of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Committee shall be such as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government.

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