Solar Pump set Agri-Connection Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) scheme was initiated by the Government of India to increase the income of farmers and provide sources for irrigation and de-dieselize the farm sector.

PM-KUSUM Yojana got its administrative approval in March 2019 and guidelines were framed in July 2019. This scheme was launched by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for the installation of solar pumps and other renewable power plants across the nation.

Rajasthan 325 sunny days in a year, on Earth, the solar insolation (6-7 kWh / m 2 / day) is endowed with one. To harness the vast amount of energy, the Rajasthan government subsidized 86 percent solar-powered irrigation in 2011-12 introduced 3 HP DC submersible pump. Initially, the government has set a target of 50 pumps by the end of the 2011-12 target was increased to 500 pumps; For 2013-14 the target was increased to 10,000 pumps. During the period 2011-12, after only 14 districts were considered for implementation in 2012-13, the plan was available for 33 districts in the state.

MNRE and the Ministry of Agriculture through the financial assistance of the state government had supported. India Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) provide 30 percent of the state government, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy offers a 56% subsidy. The cost of a solar pump system Assuming that about Rs. 400,000- 450,000, the farmer will be required to pay only Rs. 56000-63000 (solar pumping system costs 14 per cent).

solar pump set agri-connection scheme rajasthan government


Under PM-KUSUM Yojana, farmers, groups of farmers, panchayat, and co-operative societies can apply to plant a solar pump. The total cost involved in this scheme is divided into three categories in which the Government will help farmers. The government will provide a subsidy of 60% to farmers and 30% of the cost will be given by Government in form of loans. Farmers will only have to give 10% of the total cost of the project. The electricity generated from the solar panel can be sold by the farmers.

PM-KUSUM Scheme Benefits

  • Provides risk-free income for farmers
  • Ability to check groundwater overexploitation
  • Provides uninterrupted power supply to farmers
  • Helps in the reduction of carbon footprint in agriculture
  • Reduces farmer’s burden of farm power subsidy

Three Components of PM-KUSUM Yojana

Component A

  • Under this scheme, workers will set up 10,000 MW of decentralized renewable energy power plants which are grid-connected on barren land
  • These grids will be set up by farmers, cooperatives, groups of farmers, panchayats, Water User Associations (WUA), and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO)
  • Power projects will be set up within a radius of 5 km of the sub-station

Component B

  • Under this scheme, farmers will be supported to install stand-alone solar agriculture pumps worth Rs. 17.50 lakh
  • The capacity of the pumps will be up to 7.5 HP for the replacement of existing diesel agriculture pumps
  • The capacity can be higher than 7.5 HP but financial support will only be provided uptil 7.5 HP capacity

Component C

  • This scheme is for solarisation of 10 Lakh Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps and individual farmers will be supported to solarize pumps those having grid-connected pumps
  • Extrasolar power will be sold to Distribution Companies of India (DISCOMs) at a pre-fixed tariff
  • Farmer’s irrigation needs shall be met by using the generated solar power

Register/Apply for PM-Kusum Yojana

To register or apply under PM-KUSUM Yojana, you can register by visiting the official website of KUSUM Yojana at After filling out the application form online, you will need to provide the necessary information, such as an Aadhaar card, and land documents, including Khasra Khatauni, a declaration form, a bank account passbook, etc. Once the application form and documents are approved, you will get registered under PM Kusum Yojana.


When was PM-KUSUM launched?

PM-KUSUM scheme was launched by the Government of India in July 2019 under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

What is the MNRE subsidy the applicants can avail of from the Government under the PM-KUSUM Yojana?

The maximum subsidy offered under this scheme is up to 60% provided to farmers. An additional 30% of the cost will be offered in the form of loans. Therefore, farmers will have to submit only 10% of the cost.